The people speak while discussing over 100 words per minute, but when using the keyboard of a computer are hardly able to write more than 35 at the same time. From this comparison we can understand how it would be much quicker “dictate a document to your computer” instead of writing it. Today in many cases this is possible. Think of the benefits to be expected by the professionals for whom the drafting of documents is an important part of their work. the speech recognition technologies allow, after a brief initial training, the transcript of what will be taught with accuracy levels until recently unattainable. Now it requires the user to:

- use a good quality microphone;
- speak naturally and evenly;
- mentally compose sentences before pronouncing them to be smoother and have less hesitation in dictation.
To get the best results in the professional arena, however, the voice recognition system must provide some specific features, such as:
- use a specialized vocabulary, relevant to the professional sector;
- allow easy system integration of dictation workflow and business tools in use;
- allow ease of use, even with voice commands and built-in functions;
- improve the accuracy through user corrections and processing of the texts.
By following these guidelines, Voisis has created products able to achieve a high degree of recognition accuracy, picking the satisfaction of hundreds of users (individual professionals and businesses).